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We locally test our wheat products to provide you with superior, high-yield products, so we can offer you a wide array of seed that is specially selected for your region. See how our top-performing wheat products fit into your fields.
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Class: SRW = Soft Red Winter
Maturity Codes: E = Early, M-E = Medium-Early, M = Medium, M-L = Medium-Late, L = Late
Planting Rate:M = Medium, M-H = Medium-High, H = High
Plant Height: S = Short, M-S = Medium-Short, M = Medium, M-T = Medium-Tall, T = Tall
Rating Scale: 1-2 = Excellent, 3-4 = Very Good, 5-6 = Good, 7-8 = Fair, 9 = Poor
The ratings are approximate and should not be considered absolute. Based on internally conducted trials relative to other Monsanto wheat varieties.