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Finding the right silage to feed your livestock is important.That’s why our Milk Max Silage Research program provides you with locally tested and high-quality silage products to keep your operation going strong. Learn more about our silage products to find the right fit for you.
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SS = SmartStax® corn, SSRIB = SmartStax® RIB Complete corn blend, VT2P = VT Double PRO® corn, DGVT2P = DroughtGard® Hybrids with VT Double PRO® corn, VT2PRIB = VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® corn blend, DGVT2PRIB = DroughtGard® Hybrids with VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® corn blend, VT3P = Genuity® VT Triple PRO® corn, DGVT3P = DroughtGard® Hybrids with Genuity® VT Triple PRO® corn, VT3PRIB = Genuity® VT Triple PRO® RIB Complete®corn blend, DGVTPRIB = DroughtGard® Hybrids with Genuity® VT Triple PRO® RIB Complete® corn blend, RR2 = Roundup Ready® corn 2, HFC = Processor Preferred® High Fermentable Corn exhibits the characteristics desired by dry mill ethanol plants, HES = Processor Preferred® High Extractable Starch exhibits the characteristics desired by wet millers
CODES: L = Low, S = Short, M-S = Medium-Short, M = Medium, M-MH = Medium-Medium High, M-H = Medium-High, MH-H = Medium High-High, M-L = Medium-Low, MT = Medium-Tall, T = Tall, H = High, R = Resistant, S = Susceptible
GDU (GROWING DEGREE UNIT): Although maturity of one corn product relative to another remains reasonably consistent, the actual number of calendar days from planting to any given point of plant development varies with temperature, day length, rate and date of planting, soil fertility and other environmental factors. All GDU values calculated are from the time of planting.
RATING SCALE: 1-2 = Excellent, 3-4 = Very Good, 5-6 = Good, 7-8 = Fair, 9 = Poor, The ratings are approximate and should not be considered as absolute. Based on Monsanto conducted trials relative to other brand corn.
DIPLODIA EAR ROT RATING SCALE: AA = Above Average, A = Average, BA = Below Average
HERBICIDE CLASS RATINGS: Ratings are based on observations and research using herbicides at and above labeled rates to simulate extreme environmental conditions, misapplication and adverse soil pH or organic content. A = Acceptable, Either no adverse effects from the corn product/herbicide combination were noted on any traits or only slight damage could be noted under adverse conditions or herbicide application at higher than label rates. C = Caution The corn product/herbicide combination is usually not a problem if sprayed according to label directions, but can result in plant height reduction, stand loss and suspected yield loss under very adverse environmental conditions, high rates, or extreme soil pH levels or organic content. Use drop nozzle spraying for postemergence herbicides or plant in warm soils for incorporated herbicides to avoid interactions. W = Warning Not advised - this corn product/herbicide combination should not be used under any circumstance.