Hubner Seed™ Plot Results

Eastern conditions are unique — which is why you want numbers from nearby fields. And we’re happy to oblige. See how our products performed in your area. Search by zip code for individual plot reports from the last three years.

{{ harvestFilterLabel | i18n }}


  • {{suggestion | truncate(truncateLimit, '...')}}
{{ filteredResults.length }} {{ 'Results' | i18n }}

{{ plot.cropName | i18n | uppercase }}

{{ plot.county }} {{ 'County' | i18n }}, {{ plot.stateAbbreviation }}
{{ plot.plotCount }} {{ 'of' | i18n }} {{ plot.plotsHere }}

close {{ plot.reportYear }}

{{ plot.cropName | i18n | uppercase }} {{ plot.county }} {{ 'County' | i18n }}, {{ plot.stateAbbreviation }} {{ plot.cooperatorName }} {{ plot.plotCount }} {{ 'of' | i18n }} {{ plot.plotsHere }}

{{ 'Brand Average' | i18n | uppercase }}

{{ plot.performanceValueAvg }} {{ plot.grossRevenueAvg }}

{{ 'Brand Advantage' | i18n | uppercase }}

{{ plot.performanceValueAdvantage }}

{{ 'Plot Details' | i18n | uppercase }}

Location {{ | titleCase }}, {{ plot.stateAbbreviation }}
Planted {{ plot.plantingDate }}
Harvested {{ plot.harvestDate }}
Soil Type {{ plot.soilTexture | i18n }}
It doesn't look like there's any data for this area.
Please try entering another ZIP code.

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