On Farm Testing for Real Farm Success

The Field Fit agronomy program
lets ​Hubner Seed test an elite group
of products for dependability in local,
real-world conditions in the East. We
partner with farmers who provide us
with key insights on how our products
perform in local fields. This gives us the
opportunity to offer you better product

Locally Tested, Locally Proven.

At Hubner Seed, we know that farming in the East presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Since 1972, we have been focused on partnering with farmers like you to increase yield performance, decrease risk and increase your profit potential.

We carefully review and select products to be tested on our Field FitSM partner plots — which are part of our larger network of plots in more than 260 locations in the East. We are able to offer products that can withstand stress and can deliver a higher, more stable yield, which means more profit potential for you.

Download the PDF to review our 2021 product recommendations.

Data-Driven Breeding

See how we develop the high-performing products that fit your fields.

Have questions about our Field Fit agronomy program?

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